Sunday, January 19, 2014

'Speck' by Jessica

I am but a speck in the universe.
I move with time like everybody else.
And of the billions of people of people on our small planet,
I will be known by few.
But my mere existence is not meaningless.

I am a puzzle piece in God’s perfect plan.
I am a pixel amongst all others,
creating a beauty that is forever.
I am a stroke of a paint brush
on the canvas He painted in the beginning of time.
I am a cell working to sustain life,
held together with all other cells by the Creator of life
in the shape of a cross.

No one man is greater than another.
In the end, we all came from dust.
We were all personally formed by a God,
who is the very definition of beauty and love.
We won’t gain eternity by our works and ambitions,
but from a Savior who showed us what sacrifice is.

So, yes, I am a speck in the universe,
and I may only reach few, but I am important.