Monday, February 17, 2014


We were supposed to go hiking on President's Day, but the weather was super rainy and it would have been unsafe if we went. Instead, we swam (we're going to be wet anyway) and played Christians & Romans. Here's some pics of people in prison.

The Christians that got caught

Lourdes looks pretty happy even though she got caught

Don't worry Shea, someone will free you!

Don't worry Sam! Pray!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Metamorphosis by Jessica


I used to feel like it was me against the world,
And trust me, I was losing.
I used to see God as a question mark or an impossible fairytale.
I used to think there couldn’t be a god,
 Where evil is so evident and endless.

I used to feel like no one could love me,
Because that’s what they told me.
I used to see myself as my own Savior,
But I didn’t know what it meant to be saved.
I used to think the things of this world were my only hope.

I used to feel like my self-worth was measured,
By what I wore and how I spoke.
I used to see love as something purely physical,
Because that’s what the world taught me.
I used to think that anything I said or did would be judged,
Even by the people I pretended were my friends.

But I am here to say that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, I was wrong!
There is a God that has been shouting, “I am here,”
Since the day I was born.
‘He knows when I sit and when I rise,
And he is familiar with all my ways.’
He has shown me that every scar I bear is a reminder that I am healed!
So listen, because he will never stop shouting
For the people with thoughts like I used to have.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Oh! A Dog!

There seems to be a bunch of animals coming to the church. There were two other wild dogs which we don't know what happened to them. One of the big wild dogs got stuck in one of the church truck engines. We don't know how it got in there. It got stuck. Poor thing! It was probably stuck there for days. Well, praise God Pastor Dave was able to help it out!

Then Pastor Dave found this dog which looks like his dog.

Pastor Dave & Aunty Jan went to take the dog to the humane society in hopes the dog would be reunited with it's owner. So far, no one has claimed the dog, but she is undergoing treatment in a foster home. Poor thing, she was so skinny & malnourished.